An Attitude Of Gratitude

How much gratitude you show has been scientifically proven to be a great contributing factor to your overall happiness.  Yet, for many people, gratitude is difficult because life is difficult.

You need to learn to express gratitude for the life you are living now, the mistakes you made in the past and all the lessons you have learned.   You are who you are because of your experiences and mistakes.  Love yourself and appreciate who you are and what you have.

Your past mistakes have taught you what works and what does not work.  You have learnt valuable lessons from both your good and bad experiences and you have learnt how strong you can be from your difficult times.

There are many benefits of having an attitude of gratitude.  The diagram below shows how it affects your emotional, social, career, health and personal level, which all feed into a happier you!




Source for picture:


Focussing on good things will help you feel better but it will also bring out the best in the people around you too.  The best news is that once you develop an attitude of gratitude, it will be long lasting as your brain adapts to the mind-set, allowing you to be more grateful spontaneously and without conscious thought.

Have you developed your attitude of gratitude?




2 thoughts on “An Attitude Of Gratitude

  1. Being grateful was something that I had to develop..
    Not that I was ‘ungrateful’… I simply had taken so much in my life, for granted.

    To become more ‘conscious’ of being grateful…
    I would carry a small stone in my pocket.
    Each time I felt it in my pocket, I would stop and be ‘grateful’ for ‘something’.
    Eventually, being grateful became part of my world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Ren. I believe that many take so much for granted, you were not alone.
    It’s like a muscle, being grateful needs flexing to grow and once it’s grown, it becomes second nature.
    Enjoy the festive season.


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